"In the past, when I checked a driver's license, I had to judge if this license was fake by my own experience. Now I have Z-3052 2D image reader to help me: if Z-3052 can't read the barcode on the license, or if the license is different from the image in the computer system, it is most likely a fake one."
Release Date : 2011
Introduction of 2D Barcode
A 2D (two-dimensional) barcode is a graphical image that stores information both horizontally and vertically. 2D barcodes have many merits compared with 1D ones. While 1D barcodes only store data horizontally and the storage capability is limited to about 20 characters, the two-dimensional construction allows 2D barcodes to have a significantly greater storage capacity of up to thousands of characters.
Besides, 2D barcodes support error correction─partially damaged or stained barcodes are comparatively readable. 2D barcodes also allow data portability. That is, 2D barcode itself contains complete data but 1D barcode itself is usually an index and in need of a database.
Above are just some of 2D barcodes' benefits. Along with the technology advancement of area imagers in the recent years, 2D barcode applications have been rapidly increasing, revolutionizing the work processes of various business sectors. One of them is the public sectors that need to handle complex citizen services, ID certificates and documentation.
The Background & Need
Starting from year 2009 ZEBEX has been helping a country in Western Asia to improve its government administration with our handheld 2D image reader, Z-3052. The system involves departments in charge of foreign affairs, public security, transportation, household, and so on. The goal is to create a citizen database and computerize the identity management process so as to improve government efficiency, avoid human errors and prevent crime.
The Solution
The system is based on ID certificates (ID card, driver's license, and passport) with card holder's photo, information and a PDF417 barcode containing personal data. With a camera module inside, the image reader Z-3052 can take photos of these ID certificates and read the PDF417 barcode. Both the photo and barcode data are uploaded to the government system; a citizen database is therefore quickly built up.
The Benefit
The database makes ID checking easy. For example, when the police pull someone over, they can check his/her identify in a second with Z-3052 reading barcode on the ID certificate. With the computer system, the police would also find out the driving record and criminal history at the time when they are confirming the identity. Unpaid fine can be collected and possible crime can be stopped.
Since ID checking is quick and accurate, people spend less time on waiting in line for citizen services such as driver's license renewal. The complete image database also helps the government to find out forged certificates and decreases the number of fake ID.
Nowadays people are getting aware of the merits of 2D barcodes and 2D barcodes have been adopted at a rate faster than traditional 1D barcode. We are sure this trend will benefit users around the world and suppliers like ZEBEX and our business partners.
ZEBEX provides 2D image readers in different form factors, including handheld, hands-free and scan module. Contact ZEBEX if you are interested to know more about 2D scanning technology.