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【Z-1170BT】Personal Care at a Higher Level with ZEBEX Z-1170 BT


Some may not believe it, but hospital is not a charity and it has to profit in order to provide healthcare to general public. A primary aspect of running any hospital is sorting patient data. Because the more efficient and accurate the data, the less the hospital have to spend. Over the years, patient care and safety rely heavily on paper intensive systems, which take up much office space and labor time.
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【Z-1170】Effective employee management with ZEBEX Z-1170


Employee, without a doubt, is the biggest, most valuable assets of any organization. People with different background and characteristic all contribute to the success of the company. As corporate strive and grow, it often requires to increase the number of employment. As employee increases, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the same level of productivity as it was once before.
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【Z-1170】Dependable, On-Time Delivery Made Possible with ZEBEX Z-1170


No matter multi-national logistic carrier, or small-scale, local shipment carrier, when it comes to shipment tracking, they are all looking for ways to process shipment data efficiently and reduce human error. For local logistical companies, it is even more challenging to achieve such basic requirement as hardware logistical equipment are often time expensive extremely difficult to maintain. Small-scale logistical companies sometimes are struggling to find the perfect balance between cost, reliability, and performance.
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【Z-1170】ZEBEX had provided us with a great product and excellent service !


Trade shows and exhibitions have now gradually been replaced by websites and Facebook. Major players in tech industry (such as Microsoft and Apple) are all staying away from CES and Mac Expo due to various reasons. Corporate websites, blogs, and Facebook offer a relatively inexpensive way to announce, market, and sell goods and services with excellent, measurable results.
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【Z-1170】Rapid Check-out with ZEBEX Z-1170BT


Customer experiences have emerged to be the most important aspect in retail industry. A Seamless shopping experience is the most critical factor which leads to return shopping behavior. As customer made purchasing decision, store owner wishes to process the transactions as quick as possible. With traditional point-of-sales platform, customer must physically approach cash register, breaking the shopping experience. Store owners are always looking for ways to reduce transaction processing time and increase total customer satisfaction.
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【Z-1170】Flawless with iOS ZEBEX Z-1170BT


Without a doubt, 2011 was a year of iPad. We are currently in the middle of a mobile device revolution. iOS devices (including iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch) became one of the most dominant mobile platform on the market. As of today, there are well over 50, 000 iOS apps on the App Store; user can find an app for just about any professional field, including ID automation. With their mobility and ease of use, iOS devices make a perfect tool for inventory management. Besides the traditional inventory management software that runs on PC, there are more and more inventory management apps on the App Store. Don't get me wrong, these apps are full-feature, powerful software that is ready to work right after download. With little or almost no training, anybody can start using the management app with ease.
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【Z-2065 Series】A Smarter Way to Work


Transportation industry is always on the go. Unlike traditional employee, mobile workforces are constantly out on the field serving customers. When it comes to vehicle inspection and repair, customer wishes to be served with speed and accuracy. Mobile workforce need to process customers' requests in a short amount of time to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.
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【Z-2065 Series】Wireless Inventory Management Solution


Inventory management is perhaps the most difficult aspect in manufacturing industry. Beverage manufacturing poses even greater challenges due to the fact that their ingredients and manufacturing process needs to stay fresh and manufactured within timely manner. Ingredient admitted date, quantity and quality management all play a critical role to guarantee the freshest product possible.
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【Z-2065 Series】Chain Store Management Made Easy with ZEBEX


Chain store management has always been difficult and challenge. Goods and products are often transferred from one store to another to satisfy customer's demand. This creates hardship when it comes to stock management and inventory control. Managers are not able to obtain the most updated stock information to make critical business decisions, resulting in lost productivity and profits.
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【Z-2065 Series】Issuing Traffic Tickets in A Whole New Way


No one enjoying getting traffic tickets. Almost every driver has their own tales of close encounter with traffic police which results in time lost (money, too!). Governmental agency is always on the lookout for better way to reduce the time and efforts issuing traffic tickets, making it as less troublesome as possible for the drivers. Giving the nature of situation, a powerful, yet reliable mobile platform solution is necessary for such application.
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