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【Z-2065 Series】Chain Store Management Made Easy with ZEBEX


Chain store management has always been difficult and challenge. Goods and products are often transferred from one store to another to satisfy customer's demand. This creates hardship when it comes to stock management and inventory control. Managers are not able to obtain the most updated stock information to make critical business decisions, resulting in lost productivity and profits.
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【Z-2065 Series】Issuing Traffic Tickets in A Whole New Way


No one enjoying getting traffic tickets. Almost every driver has their own tales of close encounter with traffic police which results in time lost (money, too!). Governmental agency is always on the lookout for better way to reduce the time and efforts issuing traffic tickets, making it as less troublesome as possible for the drivers. Giving the nature of situation, a powerful, yet reliable mobile platform solution is necessary for such application.
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【Z-2121】Smart Inventory Control Solution


On the streets of Paris, just like any other metropolitan cities around the world, news-stands own the street corner which provides newspaper, periodicals and magazines. Given its limited inventory capacity and high merchants circulation rate, inventory / logistical management are usually difficult, resulting in high level of slow-moving items and financial lost. Pen and paper are usually the choice of many store owners when it comes to inventory / logistical management. However, human error and low rate of accuracy plague the end results and business owner are desperately seeking for better solution on a tight budget.
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【Z-2121】Managing a Hospital with ZEBEX Z-2121


Hospital is a fast-pacing, evolving and complex working environment where flexibility and practicality are must for daily operation solutions. Take surgical instruments for example. The industry has been developed for years. However, while the world is changing, hospitals are facing with different requirements regarding asset management. In a modern hospital, the maintenance, inspections and sterilization of surgical instruments must be recorded concurrently to meet the requirements of industry standard and the law. For that reason, hospitals are finding new ways to track assets, reduce operation overhead, and increase tracking accuracy.
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【Z-2130】 Smooth guest-approaching brought a success beginning of our perfect wedding


It is a Chinese custom for guests to give newly wed red envelops filled with money when they attend a wedding. The red envelops represent blessings from the guests wishing the new couple good luck, success, and prosperity. The money inside if managed wisely can be used to pay for the banquet, honeymoon, new furniture, or even more. Whatever the couple chooses to do with the money, it will be one of the first major decisions they have to make together as husband and wife. For better or worst, this money will help them start their brand new lives.
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【Z-7010 Series】Checking-out / returning books are made even easier with ZEBEX Z-7010 Series.


Book enriches our lives. Where exactly can we read all the books ever imaging with little or no fee at all? The answer would be library. Cities throughout the world have public / private libraries which allow and encourage everybody to read and learn. However, finding the book you want to read might be a little difficult than you expected. Within any modern library, there are usually thousands, or even millions of books spread out in various floors, sometimes even buildings. To locate the book, you have to search library's huge directory database using personal computers. The process could be very confusing for non-computer user. Generally speaking, you can either search your book using book title, author, or categories. Let's be frank, how many times can you actually remember any of that information? There has to be a better way to find the book you are looking for.
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【Z-7010 Series】Mass admission processing with ZEBEX Z-7010


There are various opera house/theater through the entire Europe. Given the popularity and cultural roots, hundreds, sometimes even thousands of audience. Flocking in to enjoy honor this cultural tradition. Given the nature of these events, corporation behind the mega event are looking for ways to serve and process audience in an orderly fashion, while maintaining below budget. Scanning speed and reliability would be the key features to either make, or break the deal. Traditionally, someone has to be around the main entrance to process the audience, including admission tickets, seat guidance, and presenting a brief show schedule / outline.
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【Z-7010 Series】Optimizing your next hospital visit with ZEBEX Z-7010


Hospital visit could be a challenging, sometimes painful experience. As hospitals are increasing services, they need bigger infrastructure (bigger building!) to accommodate the increase in medical instruments and personal. For first time visitor, getting around in these mega hospitals could be overwhelmingly confusing. Various examinations and doctors are usually spread throughout different floors, even buildings. Patient or visitor need find their way to get familiar and navigate themselves through all the necessary departments, submit the correct form, conduct the medical exam, fulfill the payment, then finally pickup the medicine on the way out.
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【Z-7010 Series】A fully engage patient monitoring system with ZEBEX Z-7010


Patient monitoring is perhaps the most critical yet delicate aspect in healthcare industry. Once patient is admitted into hospital, physicians and nurses need to constantly monitor and provide all types of treatment if necessary. Given the sheer distance and limit resources, it is usually difficult to provide the same level of healthcare to every patient. Health care providers are always on the lookout for new ways to improve the efficiency of treatment dispensing process.
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【DG-5X 】BT Dongle increase Z-325x productivity by 700%


Wireless connections for your scanner is about to drastically change. A tiny, yet powerful device is now available as an accessory for your Z-325x series handy wireless scanner. Connecting your scanners will never be easier.
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