
In a market filled with numerous similar products, ZEBEX retail scanners may widenyour eyes with their great features. Thoroughly tested and enhanced towardsprecision throughout the years, ZEBEX scanners have gone through thousands oftrials and errors.

We have worked closely with countlesssupermarket/retail partners around the world to incorporate functions that bestsatisfy their business operations. It is our core competency to supportbusinesses and enable efficiency, growth, and productivity throughcustomizations and personalization.

As a result, ZEBEX omnidirectional andhandheld scanners top the chart with some of the best selling models in theworld. A product can not become a best seller with just the hardware alone. Ittakes the combination of the best-in-class industrial design, powerfulperformance, easy to use functionality, and great before and after-sale services.

1Z-8182Beyond Your Imagination

The innovative device lets you embrace versatility with its exceptional first read rate and wide scan zone. Best of all, it excels in reading blurred or even broken barcodes and works under maximum light level.(Read more...) 

1【Z-6910 Series】A World Class Goalkeeper for Barcodes

Goalkeeper plays an important role in football games. As your last line of defense, he/she has to use any mean possible to stop the opposition from scoring goals. In like manner in a retail environment, a trust worthy scanner that stands in the last line of sales is just like a goal keeper in football.(Read more...)

Z-3220 Plus


Z-3392BT Plus


ZEBEX scanners support various healthcare applications such as expiration date check on QR code items or ID check on prescriptions. The Healthcare Series is made with germ fighting material developed by scientists after years of research; the effects are both long lasting and practical in inhibiting microorganism growth.



Hospital administration work is fast paced, high volume, and time-sensitive. In healthcare application such as Patient Admissions, the use of barcodes can improve the work flow dramatically. For example, during a regular patient visit, nurses can quickly scan the barcode on the patient’s wrist band to gather personal information without going through piles of data. Thus, work efficiency is optimized.


Pharmacy operation requires a high-level of accuracy and precision. Designed for GS1 Standards barcodes that are commonly used in healthcare industry, ZEBEX scanners are the extremely effective tools in preventing medication errors. With industry leading speed and accuracy, users can simply point and scan reliably to ensure the right medications are distributed to the right patients.




A delay or inaccurate report in diagnostic can have serious consequences. Hence, itis critical that specimens are collected, processed and stored correctly. And because barcode labels are the foundation for most specimen tracking systems, choosing the right scanner like the ZEBEX Healthcare Series can help hospital avoid human errors and fast track the process. 

A Cleaner Scanner,A Healthier You

To safely resume businesses, we recommend applying health strategies such as social distancing, daily temperature checks, and routine disinfection of the environment and work equipments. (Read more...)

What Is Your Ideal Healthcare Scanner?

What is yourideal healthcare scanner? Can your scanner be sanitized by alcohol and reducecross contamination? As part of the global community fighting againstinfections, ZEBEX has always thought it’s possible to offer a healthcare scanner that everyone could use. (Read more...)

Healthcare Scanner May be An Anonymous Hero

Countries are slowly opening up and returning to normal, with governments easing up on restrictions and lockdowns. But, with numbers of the infected still high, great attention should be paid to the measures required to keep your employees and customers safe.(Read more...)

Healing Together with Antimicrobial Solution

Healthcare series is built with antimicrobial protection for additional peace of mind. it's our corporate social responsibility to bring hygiene and security to various applications including yours.(Read more...)

Z-5112 GT

Z-5132 GT

Z-5652 Ultra

Z-8072 Ultra

Z-3272 Plus


Applying data management using barcodes can be extremely beneficial in manufacturing. With the right equipment and systems in place, barcodes can make your production seamless.


ZEBEX integration solutions include high speed scan engines, omnidirectional scan modules, and 2D image on-counter scanners that are designed specifically for manufacturing applications. The devices have been used around the world in places such as controlled access, food production, shipping automation, and more.


ZEBEX scanners' speed, effective scan decidability, proven reliability and performance are comparable to some of the world’s best name brands with more flexibility and reasonable price. We combine the best-in-class industrial design, powerful performance, and easy to use functionality into one affordable package.

Tiny but Mighty

Z-5652 Ultra may be small, but it’s big on performance.The 2D scan module is complete in every detail and has all the functionalities required to get the jobs done. The great features include exceptional motion tolerance, high speed scanning, and enhanced readability on reflective surfaces.(Read more...)

A Zero-Touch Revolution in Healthcare

With cases of no socomial acquired infections continue to occur, hospitals might be the new high-risk areas for transmission. To minimize personal risks, people now embrace contactless solutions like kiosk more than ever before.(Read more...)

Speed Up Your Management by Automation

During the lockdowns, supply management may become hecticand confused due to the remote working of employees. As a result, companies are turning to barcode automation and robotics to better manage operations. (Read more...)

A-50M Plus

Z-5112 GT

Z-5132 GT

Z-5652 Ultra

Z-8072 Ultra

Z-3392 Plus

Z-3272 Plus


Warehouse automation takes many forms, including AGV and robots. It lets you track assets, reduce operation overhead, and increase tracking accuracy.


ZEBEX warehouse solution provides a wide range of 1D/2D scanners, scan modules, and data collectors that can help you better implement your warehouse automation, no matter what shapes or forms they are in.


The flexible devices are ultra portable so your workers can multitask on the fly. They are also really intuitive and easy-to-use, making them the ideal solution for any workflows and processes. 

Tiny but Mighty

Z-5652 Ultra may be small, but it’s big on performance.The 2D scan module is complete in every detail and has all the functionalities required to get the jobs done. The great features include exceptional motion tolerance, high speed scanning, and enhanced readability on reflective surfaces.(Read more...)

【Z-900x Series】Powerful Supporter in Supply

To operate seamlessly though, the right technologies such as the ZEBEX Z-900x Series data collector can play a vital role instrengthening your inventory cost management, reducing wastage rate, and increasing inventory efficiency. (Read more...)

Speed Up Your Management by Automation

During the lockdowns, supply management may become hectic and confused due to the remote working of employees. As a result, companies are turning to barcode automation and robotics to better manage operations.(Read more...)

Z-3392BTDo Wonders With Your 2D Problems

Z-3392BT by ZEBEX has wireless connection ability at up to 100M work range. It allows mobile employees to efficiently and effectively scan barcodes in challenging environments. (Read more...)
